Friday, March 23, 2012

Got (Guernsey Cow) Milk?

I love milk. I don't care how bad some circles say it is for you, I still love it. When I was young, nothing was better than coming home from school and downing a cold glass of milk. My consumption is lower now - I only really drink it in my coffee and use it in cereal - but I sometimes crave a glass of cold milk like I did back then.

When Leila was first starting out on yogurts, I found a really great brand of yogurt - Grace Harbor FarmsLet me tell you... this yogurt is TO DIE FOR. They make a honey yogurt that tastes like eating flowers (in a good way). Sweet, creamy.... and just heavenly! They are local to me in Seattle (Custer, WA)... and I can find them at my local natural market, PCC. They are famous for using Guernsey Cattle to produce their dairy products. The question I have always asked about it.... What is so dang special about the Guernsey cow's milk?

Quoted from Grace Harbor Farms website: "It has more natural beta carotene than ordinary cow milk giving it an lovely golden milk color. The milk is also naturally sweeter tasting than ordinary milk. But one of the most  interesting things about Guernsey milk is that most Guernsey cows produce milk with a different type of protein than ordinary cows." 

This type of milk is called A2 - and it more often found in Europe than the US. There is a lot of anectotal evidence that this type of milk is "better" for you because of the different type of proteins, but there is no scientific evidence to back that up. 

Because I'm not a scientist, I thought I would test the milk on the only thing that I know I'm pretty good at. TASTING!! I have a pretty good palette from my chocolate tasting career past, so I thought I would compare the Grace Harbor Farms whole milk ($3.35/quart) to my standard Organic Valley whole milk (approx $2/quart). 

So..... I poured a small bit in two different glasses: 

The one on the left is Grace Harbor Farms, and the one the right is Organic Valley... So far, no really visible difference... Maybe just a slight yellower color to the Grace Harbor....

I took a sip - and the difference started to come out.

The Grace Harbor Farms milk had a different texture to it. I was silkier, creamier, and had a fuller taste. 

The Organic Valley wasn't bad in comparison, though... it had a fresh, lighter taste.... better for the refreshing glass I crave sometimes. 

So the verdict in my (semi-professional) opinion? I would recommend the Grace Harbor Farms milk if you are really into eating whole foods, are starting your child out on dairy, and live locally in WA. If you don't, see if you can find a dairy that has Guernsey cows. It might be something to check out in your neck of the woods. I think it would be great for baking, confections, and my favorite.... making truffles!!! (Upcoming blog post alert!!)

I will still purchase the Organic Valley milk because the price is right, and you can find it everywhere. I might consider buying the Harbor Farms milk for Leila and a smaller package of Organic Valley for my use. Either way - I loved doing this taste comparison, and I always encourage you to do the same! You can really learn something about what you are eating in the process. Happy milking!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

I smell something sweet....

Right now, I smell like vanilla cake. Naturally... 

When Hugo Naturals was offering a chance to review three of their products on their Facebook Page... Saying I JUMPED at the chance was putting it mildly. I triple-somersaulted, touched the sky, and screamed for the chance to review their products. I have been using their coconut shampoo and conditioner for a couple of months now, and love them. They never use parabens, phenoxyethanol, sulfates, PEGs, propylene glycol, petroleum products, silicones, phthalates, synthetic surfactants, artificial colors, or synthetic fragrances. Which, as you may know, is right up my non-toxic alley!

So, when they picked me to review... I was THRILLED! They sent me out their Brown Sugar Body Polish in Kumquat, their Handcrafted Soap in Grapefruit, and their All Over Lotion in Vanilla and Sweet Orange.

First up, their Brown Sugar Body Polish in Kumquat ($12.99): 

photo credit: Lucky Vitamin

I was hesitant. I'm not a big fan of scrubs, mostly because I find them a bit too oily and I don't like feeling like a oil-rubbed chicken after a shower. When I opened this scrub, I was not expecting to like it at all because of the large pool of oil on top. The instructions on the package said to mix the product well. Once I did that, it made the scrub into much more of a paste consistency. It went on smoothly, and rinsed away cleanly. Overall, I was pleased with it. I didn't feel too greasy afterwards, my shower wasn't a mess, and my skin was soft. I don't think I will be buying this product in the future, however, mostly because I prefer to spend my beauty product money elsewhere... but if you are looking for a sugar scrub... Hugo is your guy.

Next up, their Handcrafted Soap in Grapefruit ($4.99):
photo credit: iherb

Now, I'm a soap-a-holic. I looooove soaps. I made the switch to bar soap many years ago because I was tired of throwing away a bottle and a body puff every month. I found it to be wasteful. I find soap to be fun to collect and try different scents and types. Their Grapefruit scent is refreshing, invigorating, and sweet at the same time. I have soft skin after using it, it doesn't dry me out... and the best part is they are HANDCRAFTED. You can even see a "slice" of grapefruit in the soap. I LOVE this soap. This soap will become a great part of my arsenal. (Did I mention that I love it?) 

Last, but definitely not least, we get to the real shining star in this review.... their All Over Lotion in Vanilla and Sweet Orange:

photo credit: iherb

This is my new best friend. Sweet smelling, non-greasy, absorbs quickly, and priced right ($9.99).... this lotion and I are going to get along juuuuuuust fine. This lotion is the reason that I smell like vanilla cake right now. I smell amazing, and my skin is butter soft. I have been putting it on right after my shower everyday, and my skin has never been softer. Funny thing is, right after I started using this lotion... I noticed that the SAME exact scent was mentioned in one of my favorite blogger's (The Crunchy Chicken) new book, "The Non-Toxic Avenger". That firmly cemented this product in my bathroom! 

So overall, the products that Hugo Naturals sent me were winners! I look forward to doing more reviews on non-toxic products on this blog. For now, you can check out my Toxic Free Fridays on YouTube... I have covered a lot of products there already. I love sharing products that I find that work, so that you can live a more non-toxic lifestyle.

Thank you to Hugo Naturals for giving me the opportunity to review such great products.

Friday, February 24, 2012

What have you bought lately?

Today on the Sam Seder show they had one of the owners of Just Coffee Coop, Matt Earle, on to discuss fair trade. Here is a link to the interview, if you have 15 minutes to spare:

Matt went into the topic of fair trade, and how it has changed over the years. He mentioned that it is changing, due to large corporations (my former employer, Starbucks, being one) taking it over. They have turned it into a system that farmers have to buy into, and pass rigorous tests for certification. It leaves many farmers on the "side of the road" with product they can't sell at a fair price. Ultimately, it has led fair trade into being a logo to slap on a product so that consumers will feel like they are making an "informed" purchase, without having to think about it. (Kind of a hypocrisy.... right?)

We can even apply this to organic. Organic doesn't necessarily mean better - it just means that it passed some test to get the label. Recently some products (including formula) that contain organic brown rice, and have the organic label, have been found to have ARSENIC in them! How is that good for you, and your family??

The best part of the interview??? Sam asked Matt a really interesting question: Why do we only hear about fair trade when it comes to coffee, tea, and chocolate types of products? Why don't we hear more about it when it comes to electronics and other consumer products? The simple answer is: Those products have a more complicated supply chain, with subcontractors and other factors complicating the matter. Who knows if we will ever see "fair trade" electronics...

And all of these points lead to..... Buying LOCALLY.

Although I think fair trade and organic are important... I think they cloud what we should really be looking at. LOCAL products. We can always do a better job of trying to find products that are made locally. It's not always easy.... the computer I'm writing this blog post on is OF COURSE made in China. It is possible to do, though, with a little bit of homework.... A recent example of this is that my husband and I bought a MATTRESS made locally, and it was MUCH cheaper than the name brands.

I try to make informed purchasing decisions whenever I can. I really make an effort to know where my products come from, who makes them, and keep my local community supported.

I hope you are inspired to do the same....

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dishwashing with Tea Tree Oil....

One of the best things I have come across so far in my green living adventures has to be.... tea tree oil in the dishwasher.

Tea tree oil is a natural antibacterial, and it only takes a few drops to do the job. It's perfect if you find that you have a funky dishwasher smell that you just can't get rid of. The smell of tea tree oil isn't for everyone, but I personally like it. It smells like fresh leaves and earth. I use Trader Joe's 100% Australian Tea Tree Oil.

It is priced right (around $6), and it's easy to pick up when I'm there. You can also find tea tree oil in health food stores, or anywhere else that sells essential oils. Just make sure that is says 100% tea tree oil on the package. You don't want it to have any fillers or additives in it.

All you need to do is drop about 5-6 drops of the oil in your dishwasher's soap dispenser, and add your dishwashing soap on top of that. I like to use Seventh Generation Free and Clear dishwasher detergent. 
It's great biodegradable soap, not too expensive, and it GETS DISHES CLEAN (unlike most "green" detergents) without leaving spots. 

Run a regular cycle, and ::POOF::: your dishwasher is disinfected, clean, and smelling.... well..... tea tree oil!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My 600 Subscriber Giveaway! **CLOSED**

I'm so excited to give away this product. I truly believe it is teaching Leila something special. Please check out my video below to learn more! (Don't you just love the screengrab?)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

I'm so excited to get started on this blog! My name is Megan, and I'm a work at home mom. My daughter, Leila, is 19 months old. I hope to bring you my tips, tricks, and thoughts on living an approachable green lifestyle. I'm currently very active on YouTube, and I'm so excited to start a blog to add to my growing social network!

A little bit about my approachable green lifestyle.... I compost everything I can, recycle like a crazy woman, and use non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning supplies. About six months ago, I started to detoxify my life by getting rid of toxic skincare, makeup, and hair care products. My husband and Leila are included in that detoxification.... I'm constantly looking for better products for the both of them! My daughter has been cloth diapered from birth, with some disposable hiccups along the way, so I will be covering that topic as well.

Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions! I love to share my life with others, and I would be happy to help you in any way possible! Welcome to my blog!

My husband, Leila, and me!