Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dishwashing with Tea Tree Oil....

One of the best things I have come across so far in my green living adventures has to be.... tea tree oil in the dishwasher.

Tea tree oil is a natural antibacterial, and it only takes a few drops to do the job. It's perfect if you find that you have a funky dishwasher smell that you just can't get rid of. The smell of tea tree oil isn't for everyone, but I personally like it. It smells like fresh leaves and earth. I use Trader Joe's 100% Australian Tea Tree Oil.

It is priced right (around $6), and it's easy to pick up when I'm there. You can also find tea tree oil in health food stores, or anywhere else that sells essential oils. Just make sure that is says 100% tea tree oil on the package. You don't want it to have any fillers or additives in it.

All you need to do is drop about 5-6 drops of the oil in your dishwasher's soap dispenser, and add your dishwashing soap on top of that. I like to use Seventh Generation Free and Clear dishwasher detergent. 
It's great biodegradable soap, not too expensive, and it GETS DISHES CLEAN (unlike most "green" detergents) without leaving spots. 

Run a regular cycle, and ::POOF::: your dishwasher is disinfected, clean, and smelling.... well..... tea tree oil!